This hearty Robusto contains Nicaraguan Cuban-seed long filler tobaccos that are covered in a handsome Connecticut shade-grown wrapper. The finished product is infused with natural herbs and essential oils for an astoundingly distinct flavor and sweet floral aroma.
The Avo Belicoso has a creaminess with earthy and nutty notes complimented by a subtle pepper spice. The flavors and aromas shine in this mild to medium strength cigar to delight the palate.
Cohiba Red Dot uses only the finest tobaccos and the most qualified rollers. Finished with a West African Cameroon wrapper that gives this cigar a sweet and rich aroma that is medium to full-bodied.
Once lit, these Dominican beauties serve up a fragrant tapestry of white pepper, wood, salty caramel, cocoa, and a rich, tobacco sweetness that remains in the background throughout the entire length of the smoke.
The Davidoff Mini Cigarillos contain a blend of premium tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil, and the Caribbean. They are wrapped in a first-class, hand-selected Sumatran wrapper. This full flavor cigarillo creates an exquisite smoking experience.
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour is a luxurious ultra-premium brand named for one of the most celebrated cigar lovers in history. These fine cigars feature a pristine Cuban-seed wrapper over Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos that have been further aged in the finest Scotch single malt whisky casks.
The story of Padron cigars begins in Cuba, where Jose Padron learned how to cultivate tobaccos so as to create top notch ‘puros.’ As a refugee himself, Jose saved $600 and preservered through many challenges to serve Cuban style cigars to locals in Florida and, eventually, to the world. The Aniversario was released in 1994 to commemorate 30 years of business. This limited production selection serves up a complex flavor profile consisting of coffee bean, cocoa, earth, and hazelnut. Smooth and complex, each cigar is box-pressed in true Cuban tradition and aged four years.
You’re going to receive hints of chocolatey goodness and dark coffee and peppers, making it the perfect mate for pairing with a rich roasted coffee or a stout chocolate brew.
Rocky Patel Edge employs a Cuban-seed, Honduran grown Corojo wrapper that provides a peppery flavor with a hint of sweetness. The long fillers are slowly aged for five full years. Medium to full in body.
A medium-strength cigar with an earthy and deep dark coffee profile. Its smooth tan Ecuadorian Habano wrapper covers a Nicaraguan binder and filler. Handmade in Nicaragua by My Father Cigars. The Tatuaje 10th Anniversary was crafted to mark this popular boutique brand’s first decade of providing memorable cigars.
Petite Tatuaje cigars are Nicaraguan puros that feature a unique blend of first generation Cuban seed grown directly in Nicaragua. Bursting with flavorful notes of pepper and then revealing leather, cedar and dark chocolate. Rich and full in body.
Its core is comprised of an impressive five different long-fillers, three hailing from the Dominican and two from Nicaragua, all of which are hugged by a sturdy Mexican binder. Medium-bodied, Winston Churchill delivers in flavor, featuring pronounced notes of cedar, dried fruit, and earthy nuances.